by RowanKeltizar » 4 months ago, Post ↳ Community Software Feedback and Bug Reports. Contact | You don't have that many mana stones. Clear. We'll be maximizing our creature output by utilizing humans that produce non-human; so, we'll be able to swing and theoretically always hit and keep making the hits bigger and wider. Complete Comment Tutorial! This deck is commander-dependent. Winota, Joiner of Forces; Winota, Joiner of Forces. Ancestor's Chosen - meh body and there are easier ways to gain life, Zhang Fei, Fierce Warrior - basically an unblockable 4/4; it's not bad but it's not worth cheesing in and if you cannot cheese it in it's just okay. RW (Boros). Cheat in many free hate bears. At this point if you had your commander out and were able to attack with a non-creature you'd be able to look at around 6.5% of your deck. Guest-only Advertisement. EDH Recommendations and strategy content for Magic: the Gathering Commander. [Sign Up], All original content herein is Copyright 2020 TCGplayer, Inc.® is a trademark of TCGplayer, Inc. Crowd Favorites - has some utility but it's a very mana intensive ability. Other people can view your private deck by using this url, Seems there are no cards in the Acquireboard. by Artemis132 » 6 months ago, Post Winota allows us to look at the top 6 for each-non human that attacks. Kamahl, Pit Fighter - provides more removal and is a reasonable beat stick. Attention! Winota, Joiner of Forces - More Human than Human. DMCA requests | Welcome, Guest! Winota, Heartbonder is a human warrior on the plane of Ikoria.[1][2]. Sure, you may go deeper but you're still seeing around the same % of your deck unless you're reducing the number of cards left in your deck by either cheesing out a creature from among the 6 you looked at or drawing a card. Donate below to support the site and remove all ads. Vulshok Battlemaster very niche but in a voltron meta is a great include. Urbis Protector - provides 5 power for 6 mana across two bodies; though it creatures a non-human that would increase the number of triggers we'd get it's far too mana intensive and there are better options. 99-7= 92; granted a T1 Winota is difficult but not impossible; though this isn't where the math starts getting interesting. Winota is one of the bonders, humans who form magical connections with the monsters of Ikoria. Commander / EDH* I know that they are always like..... decent but there is so much value generation assuming we get the commander out and working that I just felt like it wasn't worth the space and time it takes to spin that stuff up. Complete Comment Tutorial! RW (Boros). Edit Live Edit. I usually don't dip this low except when running a super lean curve with crazy draw. Yu-Gi-Oh! Commander / EDH* Let’s dig into some spicy interactions. Post Check it all out at! Can create a huge board state and protect most if not all of it. Basically, just make it so you have an ungodly number of triggers. Feels like putting my eggs in one basket and limiting my options too much. The plot is simple. With the Commander 2020 cards delayed on MTGO until May, the focus of many brewers has been on the cards in the Ikoria main set. I guess let me know how you like them if and when you ever get around to playing the deck. Other people can view your private deck by using this url, Seems there are no cards in the Acquireboard. Magic the Gathering, FNM is TM and copyright Wizards of the Coast, Inc, a subsidiary of Hasbro, Inc. All rights reserved. Articles and comments are user-submitted and do not represent official endorsements of this site. TappedOut.js Blog Widget. It's human, It can get fat, it evades and it produces non-humans for more triggers. So, a commander in boros that can cheese out some fat humans using non-human seems decent. 3) creatures must be declared as an attacker to get the trigger; creatures that enter tapped and attacking will not trigger Winota. She told the planeswalker Vivien Reid how she lost her right arm trying to kill the monster that she ended up bonding with. At this point you'd have 88 cards in library. The majority of the time our staff will be tapped. Is Ruination worth it enough to play for you? MTG Arena Effective Date: June 8, 2020 at 2 p.m. PT. DMCA requests | This creature did not make the cut. Updated May 15, 2020 by cotyramey using our MTG Deck Builder. The Commander’s Quarters is your source for everything budget Commander! EDH Recommendations and strategy content for Magic: the Gathering Commander. As a side note, I think it's really odd that tokens don't have the human type when they probably should. 32 Lands????????????? Magus of the Arena - a good utility for removing creatures, Konda, Lord of Eiganjo is one of the highest cmc human creature that does something and is functionally an 8/8 industructable, Weathered Bodyguards - is a sudo fog; though it should be noted that its' ability does not stop trample damage, Silverwing Squadron - this creature does everything we want to be doing. Complete Comment Tutorial! 99-7= 92; granted a T1 Winota is difficult but not impossible; though this isn't where the math starts getting interesting. Help | I notice you don't really have any wipes slotted in and that worries me a bit. All rights reserved. Winota, Heartbonder is a human warrior on the plane of Ikoria.12 Winota is one of the bonders, humans who form magical connections with the monsters of Ikoria. I just finished up my first brew of this deck. TappedOut.js Blog Widget. Starting hand of 7 . Spells that produce non-human tokens must be casted early in the game. 99-7= 92; granted a T1 Winota is difficult but not impossible; though this isn't where the math starts getting interesting. Login or Register to hide this ad. Takeno, Samurai General - so I could see this being a house in a samurai themed deck but as it stands we're a bit light on samurai but definitely think this would be an auto include if we got some more useful samurais :), Flight of Equenauts - has the highest cmc of a white human but doesn't offer any utility. In hand it's a 2 mana give a creature life link every upkeep or a 6 mana 3/4 lifelink; it's a cool card just not an optimal. This will require TappedOut.js included in your blog. Of course for many of us, availability of cards is … You can now import it in the MTG Arena client. Surprisingly enough there wasn't a huge selection but here are a few gems; some did not make the cut but thought it'd be good to share some of my findings, Zealous Conscripts - nothing feels better than using someone elses stuff and potentially winning with it. Terms of Use | Starting hand of 7 . Edit. - Fun! Upvote 0. RW (Boros), This deck is commander-dependent. This site is unaffiliated. Last Modified On: 6/23/2020 Market Median Low — $56.80 $18.44 Buy This Deck! You can only see cards increments of 6. - Extra combat steps? Some cards just wont be mentioned because they're draft chaft or just vanilla do nothings. Loyal Apprentice and Breath of Fury go infinite and simultaneously dump all the humans out of your deck Help | Copied to clipboard. This would be a magical Christmas land scenario though. We don't want to be sitting back. Magic: The Gathering and its respective properties are copyright Wizards of the Coast. Articles and comments are user-submitted and do not represent official endorsements of this site. Terms of Use | Evangel of Heliod - this one definitely sits on the maybe board until some testing and evaluation of the density of our white cards; the ceiling for this card is very high but the floor is 6 mana for 3 power spread across 3 bodies and only 2 of which can trigger our commanders ability. This deck reminds me a lot of, Personally, I'm not sure I'm ready to go so creature heavy as Winota is asking for. by SirGregarious » 6 months ago, Post Discord Server | Shieldmage Elder - I wont deny that this is a cool utility but it's very niche and we just don't have the support for it. Privacy statement | Winota is one of the bonders, humans who form magical connections with the monsters of Ikoria. You can now import it in the MTG Arena client. Help me improve this list Stax the board, blood moon , winter orb , etc. Privacy statement | Copy. Use Human creatures that create non-Human tokens and also use lands that can turn into creatures for triggering Winota, Joiner of Forces. This will require TappedOut.js included in your blog. I only played this deck for the first couple of weeks but found the linear nature of... Well, that very well could be said for just about any high tier commander with a sufficiently optimized list right? By turn 4, barring any draw effects/looting/rummaging effects you should of drawn 11 cards (this number is including the 7 you've drawn from your opening hand; 7+4=11) and hopefully have Winota out with a few non-human friends. Boros needs all the help it can get. So, here's the fun part. Now Winota and her companion (which resembles a huge plated raccoon) travel Ikoria helping other bonders and monsters learn to fight side by side. No portion of this website may be used without expressed written consent. Toggle navigation. TCGplayer: $0.00. You flip over your commander to reveal Winota, Joiner of Forces . RUW (Jeskai, America) She told the planeswalker Vivien Reid how she lost her right arm trying to kill the monster that she ended up bonding with. Discord Server | Magic the Gathering, FNM is TM and copyright Wizards of the Coast, Inc, a subsidiary of Hasbro, Inc. All rights reserved. This site © 2020, LLC If not, is it a meta thing or a power thing? There is lots of protection in the deck, as its so central for Winota to remain in play. So by the time Winota is on the battlefield, the non-human tokens could trigger her ability. [Login] This annoying message will go away once you do. Here is my take on Winota, Joiner of Forces.I've been a Boros advocate for years, due to wanting to always root for the underdog of commander. 1) if you attack with one or more non-human creatures while Winota is out you get an individual trigger for each non-human that attacked. I like the direction you've built it in, and there's a lot of nice details in here. Aggro by umtiger » 6 months ago, Post by RowanKeltizar » 1 month ago, Post Clipboard (0 Cards) Card Kingdom: $0.00. Samurai Enforcers - this will probably get redundant but there's just not enough support or good samurais to make this better.
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