Well, when I say help if holding the tape measure counts. Ready to be simply reassembled for many future Christmas’s. What you need to make a Scandinavian Christmas Tree. Using a tape measure to work out the diameter and then turn the pole a third of a turn and mark another set of drill holes. This post contains Amazon affiliate links for your convenience. 1020091. It didn’t make the move.”. “Very expensive, that tree. Plaster of Paris about 4-5Kg . But while some think it’s “stunning”, others aren’t impressed. 'Saw this in store recently. You should check out my other DIY alternative Christmas trees. Wooden Christmas Tree Earrings, Christmas Studs, Christmas Jewellery, Holiday Earrings, Scandi Christmas TheMountainAndMe. If you are clever you can workout how to cut your 240cm dowels down to these sizes in the most optimal way and reduce any wastage. Rustic Christmas Tree From Old Lampshades DIY Branch Christmas Tree Thanks. […] love the simplicity of Scandinavian style and this wooden dowel Scandinavian style tree is gorgeous. “How’s this for breaking news? This was done exactly the same way as I did for the. Find out more about our policy and your choices, including how to opt-out. The Scandi tree isn’t currently listed on Target’s website, however, a smaller tabletop version for $25 is available online. Buyer’s Notes . Along with our elegant Christmas tree ornaments and baubles, we have everything you need for a beautifully decorated Christmas … “What an ugly Xmas tree,” one person wrote, while another added: “My eyes can never unsee that.”. From wooden beaded garlands, handcrafted wooden Christmas trees to bespoke timber house decorations with paper cut style wooden stars, the different tones, and variety of uses make the nordic fascination with timber decor all the more beautiful when it comes to Christmas decorating. The discount department store has launched its own version of a cult homewares item. news.com.au — Australia’s leading news site, Bunnings pulls Christmas decoration from shelves, coronavirus sparks huge changes this Christmas, Major retailer already selling Christmas trees and decorations, Bec Judd shared a photo of her designer version. Picture: Target Mums Australia/Facebook.Source:Facebook. A NOTE ABOUT RELEVANT ADVERTISING: We collect information about the content (including ads) you use across this site and use it to make both advertising and content more relevant to you on our network and other sites. amzn_assoc_title = "My Amazon Picks"; All times AEDT (GMT +11). However, these holes will need to be staggered. The Christmas tree is without a doubt one of the season's most beloved and enduring symbols. Another woman said she bought a similar tree from Adairs a few years ago, and admitted the style isn't for everyone. All you need to do is pull out the dowels one by one. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Nationwide News Pty Limited Copyright © 2020. Considering purchasing one but wanted to know what anyone else has done with it,' the mum said online. Warning over viral dishwasher tablet TikTok ‘hack’. amzn_assoc_linkid = "08edd47d4cac1190ca26567a9eb3643f"; Scandi Wooden Christmas Tree / Handmade Wooden Christmas Tree / Nodic Christmas 12DaysAndCo. What a great little tree and such a creative idea. 'I love this style! From shop 12DaysAndCo. Picture: David Mariuz/AAPSource:AAP. We used approximately 10 of these that were 2.4m long. Central wooden trunk – One wooden central pole 35mm in diameter and as tall as you would like your tree to be. So fun! 'I would definitely pay $89 for it, I was thinking of getting one when I saw it in store the other day!' RELATED: Major retailer already selling Christmas trees and decorations, Bec Judd revealed last year she had traded in her ‘ugly’ tree for a more traditional version. Judd’s version, which is made from recycled branches by furniture designer Greg Hatton, instantly divided her followers. Find out more about our policy and your choices, including how to opt-out. Wooden dowels – 9mm in diameter. Another said the tree reminded them of “collecting sticks as a kid and making these trees” as a child, while one person was more blunt and said the tree was a “bloody eyesore”. amzn_assoc_ad_type = "smart"; So nice and perfect if you live in a tiny apartment and a big bulky tree won’t do it for you!! Surely that's not right,' a third said. Then sand the drilled pole to get rid of any splinters. Click here to see my disclosure policy. Add to Basket. The scandi style calls for the use of natural materials and textures - and scandi Christmas decor is no different. Last year however, Judd revealed she would be retiring her “sticks” tree, joking that it had caused her enough grief over the years. “We have this, from Adairs a few years ago. SKU. Target also sells a miniature table version of the tree for $25 which can be purchased in stores and online. Starting aproximately 30cm from the bottom of the pole mark with a pencil a drill hole every 10 cm. Yes they are easy to decorate so great for kids to hang all their handmade ornaments from. It is designed to last for years and can be easily dismantled and stored away at the end of the festive season. amzn_assoc_asins = "B01M5AV83M,B00BWALNNK,B00S40L8HM,1626361312,1788790251,1446303624,9527268001,1849498598"; Filed Under: christmas, DIY Upcycling Tagged With: Christmas tree, Nordic, Panettone, Scandi, scandinavian, scandinavian Christmas tree. As I mentioned this Nordic Christmas tree is so easy to dismantle and store away until next year. Thank you so much! Also, this tree can be made to your own personal specifications. amzn_assoc_marketplace = "amazon"; You may want to start with a small pilot hole so as to stop the wood from splitting. This Scandi-inspired wooden Christmas tree, crafted from blonde wood, boasts a fabulous, minimal silhouette. I might make one next year! Thanks for sharing. The post sparked a division between customers as many said the tree looked like a pile of 'sticks' and isn't worth the price. Picture: Instagram.Source:Instagram, The Judd family tree is made from recycled wood by furniture designer Greg Hatton. It was decorated with ornaments to add some colour and sparkle to the wooden Christmas tree, which she said is made from recycled branches. The ornaments can simply be hung over the dowel branches. The unique design has been around for several years, as in 2016 radio host and mum Bec Judd shared an image of her wooden Christmas tree on Instagram. Availability: In Stock. A skeleton-like staff holds the tree in upright on a circular wooden plank and a star is also placed on top. The minimalist tree first burst onto the Christmas scene when Bec Judd shared a photo of her designer version on Instagram. For $89 you can buy their 1.5m Wooden Scandi Christmas tree, which is decidedly different from your traditional fir fare. Others said the $89 price tag was a steal compared to designer versions. Rustic Christmas Tree From Old Lampshades, 25 Upcycled Christmas Tree Ideas - Dukes and Duchesses. another said. Drill one small hole into the top of the pole for a tree topper. Copyright © 2020 Pillar Box Blue on the Foodie Pro Theme, « How To Make A Fun Frida Kahlo Christmas Ornament, How to Make Gorgeous Nordic Christmas Decorations ». From shop TheMountainAndMe ... Calligraphy Bauble, Name Bauble, Hand Painted Bauble, Scandi Christmas, Wooden Decorations, Mummy, Daddy, Baby thecraftyplank. I would have made one of these wooden trees myself, but I’d already made my wire rustic Christmas tree for this season. This tree was just over 5ft tall and we cut the wooden dowels into the following dimensions. Does anyone have one? It’s just under three months until Christmas and yes, it’s definitely still too early to even think about putting up your tree. It is so easy to decorate as there are so many places to hang decorations from. However, not everyone disliked the minimalist tree with shoppers saying the tree’s simple style was “stunning” and would make decorating easier. amzn_assoc_ad_mode = "manual"; “The limbs spin around and very sturdy, we’ve sold 2 today at my store, I think you will either love it or hate it,” one Target employee commented. The $89 Wooden Scandi Christmas tree from Target Australia is being ridiculed for its 'ugly' design compared to artificial trees made with realistic leafy branches. Not everyone is loving Target’s new Christmas tree. Thank you, Velvet. Required fields are marked *. In our extensive assortment of Christmas decorations, you will find Christmas tree accessories such as Christmas tree rugs, Christmas tree bases and beautiful Christmas tree toppers. It’s also such a fun way to display small ornaments … the vintage […], Your email address will not be published. Central wooden trunk – One wooden central pole 35mm in diameter and as tall as you would like your tree to be. But that hasn’t stopped stores from wheeling out their festive decorations, with one of Target’s tree offerings dividing shoppers. I have been quoted $800 for something similar and think $89 is a bargain!' RELATED: Bunnings pulls Christmas decoration from shelves, For $89 shoppers can this year get their hands on this Scandi Christmas tree at Target. You know my ‘ugly stick tree’ that I always cop flack (for) every year when I put it on Instagram?” she told her radio show The 3pm Pick Up. 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