Of course, with Final Fantasy 7 Remake in development, Square Enix may be hesitant to overshadow it by announcing yet another remake before it even releases. コアなファンが多い名作RPG「女神転生/真・女神転生」 "- Engadget, I would like a modern more complex (story wise)version of Chrono Trigger. PSP | Vita | DSi | 3DS XL + N3DS XL | Nintendo Switch | Nvidia Shield Portable | Sega Genesis 3 | NES | SNES | DreamCast | PS2 |. What are the odds of Chrono Cross and Xenogears coming to Switch? With the success of games like Secret of Mana games, Romancing Saga games, Octopath Traveler. Additionally, Tokita helped bring classic Final Fantasy games like 5 and 6 to mobile devices as executive producer. ダークソウル2は、PS4やニンテンドースイッチでは発売されている... ついてくるのが愛らしくてカワイイ「ピクミン」 クロノトリガーをセツナのグラで作ったら絶対面白いし売れる, そもそもクロノは当時の最高のゲーム技術を注ぎ込んだ作品なわけで is it possible to download games directly to sd card? 3Dだとなにがなんだか分からんくなってる。 Takashi Tokita, one of the three developers that directed Chrono Trigger, has posted an image of the Switch on Twitter, with the caption "Top-secret mission starts!". And so while Chrono Trigger may seem like a longshot, the fact that there's already a major Final Fantasy game on the horizon may very well convince Square Enix to allow Tokita to develop the Chrono Trigger sequel he's been wanting to make. Chrono Trigger is available now for Nintendo DS, SNES, PlayStation, iOS and Android. Having written thousands of game reviews and articles over the course of his career, Dalton considers himself a video game historian and strives to play as many games as possible. While a Chrono Trigger sequel may be the most appealing option, Square Enix has shown a reluctance to return to that series for one reason or another. In recent years, Tokita has led the charge when it comes to Final Fantasy's mobile and handheld games, serving as director for Final Fantasy 4 on the DS and Final Fantasy Legends on smartphones. 「クロノ・トリガー」のディレクター時田貴司への最近のインタビューで、我々は「RPGファンが再び『クロノ・トリガー』作品を拝める日は来るのか」と尋ねたところ、非常に興味深い返答が得られた。 「実は『クロノ・ブレイク』という新作を計画していた時期があったんです」と時田 … まあ買い切り版の可能性もあるけど, ゲハ民やったことないのが大半だろうから書いとくけど With a track record like Tokita's, fans should be excited to see whatever he has in store for the Nintendo Switch. だがレジェレガ→アラアラみたいに2作目で化ける可能性があるから一応注目してる, セツナ俺はあんまり好きじゃなかった ピクミンは任天堂のゲームですが、PS5・PS4やニンテンドースイッチでは発売さ... 無人島サバイバルゲーム「Stranded Deep」。 The Chrono Trigger director didn't provide specifics as to what he's creating for the Nintendo Switch, but there are numerous possibilities. Pachter: Nintendo should ditch Switch and only have the Switch Lite. Bioshock 4 Needs to Take One Logical Step Forward, Chrono Trigger Director Teases Nintendo Switch Game, Every Assassin's Creed Symbol From AC1 to Valhalla Explained, Games That Were Delayed and Better Because of It, Mortal Kombat 11 Could Introduce a New DLC Character, Game Analyst Believes PS5 Will Vastly Outsell Xbox Series X for Years, Resident Evil: Infinite Darkness - How It Can Fit in the Franchise’s Timeline, Final Fantasy 7 Remake Part 2 Has to Avoid One Major FF15 Error, Spider-Man PS4 Player's Crime Stopping Attempt Goes Horribly Wrong, Rumor: Nvidia RTX 3060 Ti Graphics Card Surprise Release Confirmed, Elden Ring Fans Are Going Crazy Over FromSoftware's Update, Genshin Impact Player Discovers How To Roll, Everwild Creative Director Resigns from Rare, Bungie's Matter Sounds Similar to Borderlands 3, Mortal Kombat 11 Mileena Intro References Fan Demand, Ubisoft Confirms Several Games Lack PS5 Backward Compatibility [Update], DrLupo Criticizes Racist Twitch Community Members, PS Now November 2020 Update Adding Major New Games, Praey for the Gods Announces Release Window for PS5, PS4. In fact, this could be a sign that Chrono Trigger will be one of the first games in the Switch's Virtual Console library. Switch版「シヴィライゼーション VI」が日本でも発売決定!発売日は… ニュース 2018.6.30 【期待】シェンムー3、HDDに必要な空き容量が100GBと判明!! ニュース 2018.2.27 【凄すぎ】任天堂さん、好調すぎてついに時価総額7兆 あと走りの座標移動が遅すぎる。そんなとこばっかり変に本物っぽくしなくていいよ。ちょっと嘘っぽくてもいいからUI周りは快適にしろ。, https://www.famitsu.com/news/201707/25138363.html, 朗報】「いけにえと雪のセツナ」 アマラン1位に * 自分も買いました。プチレビュー付き (`・ω・´), ロストスフィア【Amazon.co.jp限定】オリジナル・ダイナミック・テーマ/ゲーム収録楽曲 配信 [Video Game], ロストスフィア【Amazon.co.jp限定】特製 スリーブケース付 [Video Game]. Since Tokita's most popular game is arguably Chrono Trigger, there's a possibility that his Switch project has to deal with that franchise, and could be a sequel or port. ただめんどくさいだけのフィニッシュ Whatever Tokita makes, fans should be confident in his abilities. Stranded Deepは、もとはPC用ゲームですが、PS4やニンテンドース... 工場のライン作りが楽しい「Automachef(オートマシェフ)」。 クロトリに愛着もなにもないただのウジ虫ども, 真の〇〇ってゲハのアホ共がその作品を貶しながら別の何かを持ち上げる時に使う言葉だろ? With the recent development of SNES games being added to Nintendo Switch Online, and with an RPG being one of the first 20 games (Breath of Fire), I was just wondering what you guys think of Chrono Trigger’s chances of being added to that library in the future. あんなに短いのに材料集めまでさせられてめんどくさかった I'm Flawed but that's what makes me perfect. The director of Chrono Trigger posts an image of a Nintendo Switch on Twitter with a caption that teases a new game for the innovative handheld/console hybrid. A one-stop shop for all things video games. Does anyone know when they changed how preorders work? あのころの〜とか低予算で作るための言い訳に使われてるだけだろ, 動画だけなのかもしれないけど、演出がショボいな。 真のモンハンとか真のドラクエとか After all, Final Fantasy 5 and 6 are two of the most celebrated games in the series, with 6 earning especially strong reviews at the time of its release.
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