Since the book was written in a very old language, Joseph translated the book into English. Much of the Mormon belief system is oriented geographically around the North and South American continents. Mormonism The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints was founded in 19th Century America and has over 12 million members world-wide, including 190,000 in the UK. In their view, the New Testament prophesied that people would turn away from Christian teachings, and that there would be a restoration to the situation before the second coming of Christ. His successor, Brigham Young was wild and dangerous. {ref:1234} The largest Mormon religious body is the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (LDS for short). Joseph Smith claimed to receive visions from God from as early as his teenage years. #KeepAWatch on your Vitals In Real Time with GOQii, Interesting religious sites around the world. This includes rivers, lakes and the ocean. Mormons are prohibited from discussing the church's practices and sacred ceremonies. [16], Some important differences with mainstream Christianity include: A belief that Jesus began his atonement from sin in the garden of Gethsemane and took on everyone's sins, Mormon or not. No matter what age you are, Mormons cannot consume alcohol. Mormonism is the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and a Mormon is the name given to a follower. When the plates were in the room with him he erected a curtain between himself and his scribe to protect them from the presence of God. Founded in the 1820s, Mormonism is one of the world's newest and fastest-growing religions. [13] Smith repented and Moroni returned the plates and interpreters to him enabling Smith to continue his work on the book together with Oliver Cowdery although by this stage Smith found the Urim and Thummim too difficult to use and decided to rely exclusively on his hat and stone. Good Mormons live forever in Heaven with God and their families, good non-Mormons are rewarded but do not have the presence of God, and those who reject the Godhead even after instruction go to Hell. It was, however a successful mission in other ways as Smith met his future wife, the sister of one of his employers. Joseph Smith translated the book of Mormon from Golden Plates hidden by the Angel Moroni. Mormons believe the people of the Book of Mormon lived in the western hemisphere, that Christ appeared in the western hemisphere after his death and resurrection, that the true faith was restored in upstate New York by Joseph Smith, and that the Garden of Eden and location of Christ's second coming were and will be in the state of Missouri. This page was last changed on 15 September 2020, at 16:34. It is the second largest church to call themselves Mormons. Interestingly enough, Mormonism didn’t start in Utah even though that is the primary base now. It was founded in 1830 by Joseph Smith who was told by God during prayer that there was no right church for him to join. He returned to earth again to father Jesus. Smith was brought before a court on charges of treason, he escaped jail 1839 after an incarceration of four months. Mormons are not permitted to consume anything that "that pollutes the body or affects the mind," which includes caffeinated tea and coffee. His successor, Brigham Young was wild and dangerous. Mormons believe that if any child under eight years old dies, they automatically go to heaven. The groups that did not want to abandon polygamy are sometimes still called Mormon, even though in the official church, polygamy has been forbidden since 1890. When Brigham Young led most of the Mormons to Utah, these people stayed in Illinois. Mormonism believes that the God of Abraham was a person living on a distant planet that circled a star called Kolob. Mormons also have buildings called temples. Modern-day Mormonism is known for its family-centered churches, excellent geneaological records, worldwide missionary efforts, elaborate temples, and famous members such as Mitt Romney. When the Church changed its position in 1890, some people left the official Church and continued with polygamy. The Mormon church is led by “the priesthood”.
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