Harriet would like to see Poppy gone as well, especially as Freddie Kingsley, Mrs. Kingsley's teenage son, who Harriet fancies as her boyfriend, seems to be falling for Poppy. When she see her arc nemesis with the boy she has feelings for this sends her into a frenzy taking her jealousy to a new level.
Harriet and Poppy were enemies when they met each other.
“She’s not staying” and “Why haven't they even mentioned honour court”.
The use of the medium shot always us to see Poppys shocked face and harriets back turned. When introducing herself she requests Poppies hand to shake, but Poppy refuses. She isn't just the mean girl in this movie but she is also the classic villain that doesn’t win. The body language used by both girls is quite negative. At the school dance her so called friends lie to her. She has an obsessive crush on Freddie and she wants to make love to Poppy, to the point of leaving her friendless, and frame her for a school fire. She is portrayed by Georgia King. I believe that deep down Harriet is a kind person but she has become consumed in herself and this changes the group she represents. In doing so she treats everyone around her like dirt. It was two days after the Honour Court and Abbey Mount was still reeling from the events of that day; Poppy declared innocent of setting fire to the school and Harriet, the Head Girl exposed as a hate filled liar and an arsonist.
Her bid to win the heart of Freddie is also very funny and in a sense relatable. Harriet’s response “Im the head girl and you always shake hands with the head girl” and the tone she says it in highlights how she expects to be treated, with respect and dignity.
The Moores - widowed father Gerry and his two teenage daughters Poppy and Molly - are a wealthy Malibu based family who have all the luxuries and modern conveniences of life. When the dream prince transfers his favor from ambitious, uptight Harriet to unruly Poppy, that changes everything. They become so consumed in themselves that they don't care about others around them. Harriet abuses her power and acts as though she is the most important thing in the world. Harriet Bentley is head girl at Abbey Mount boarding school, and is the main antagonist of the story. Although he has threatened to do so several times, Gerry, based on Poppy's latest actions, finally decides to send Poppy to boarding school, most specifically to Abbey Mount in England. She is obsessed with rules, and is manipulative, evil and cruel among others. Harriet is the head girl of Abbey Mount. Harriet has her two friends almost acting as her body guards watching her carry out her tasks. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat.
For her to go to all the trouble to almost get Poppy expelled is crazy and just goes to show how much hate she has for Poppy, because of this Harriet is a character that causes me much irritation. Sixteen-year-old Poppy Moore (Emma Roberts) has always got what she wanted and lives a pampered life in her L.A. world. This task is easier said than done as the school's principal, Mrs. Kingsley, can see in Poppy the same thing that Kate does. Kate and the gang counsel Poppy in that if she really wants to get out of Abbey Mount, the only way is to do something or a series of somethings to get expelled. She has fallen in love with a boy that may never love her. Parents Guide. “She’s got more lives then a simese cat”. Harriet represents the classic popular princesses that always get what they want. Despite Poppy's initial antagonism toward her, she is befriended by Kate, who has been assigned her big sister in showing her the ropes around Abbey Mount, and the rest of the girls in their shared sleeping quarters. |
Unwilling to accept the strict regime, she decides to misbehave and take the blame for everyone until she's dismissed.
But in the end, she pays for her actions by being expelled. Ever since her mother died five years earlier in a car accident, sixteen year old Poppy has been acting out, causing her father grief most specifically in any of his attempts for meaningful relationships with other women. Through her stay at Abbey Mount, Poppy continually butts heads with the school's snobbish head girl, Harriet, who rules her entourage and the school's younger students with an iron fist. Harriet takes her revenge on Poppy by rewriting her emails to best friend Ruby, and sticks one on the girls' door, suggesting that Poppy is just using them and is faking the friendship.
A rebellious Malibu princess is shipped off to a strict English boarding school by her father. Though she's handed credit cards with unlimited balances and surrounded by countless hangers on, Poppy can't escape the mounting frustration she feels with her family situation and she makes sure everyone knows it. | | It is an immediate fish out of water situation for Poppy, whose main goal is to get out of Abbey Mount and back to Malibu. She slowly finds herself surround by fake people that rather be with anyone but her. Poppy wearing sunglasses symbolises the fact that she doesn't want to be there as well as the fact that she is not prepared for the english weather. In most movies and films it is the good guy or in this case the good girl that wins and takes control.
Harriet also rewrites an email about Freddie, stating Poppy's plan to kiss him only to get expelled and that she thinks he is a loser. But in using Freddie and seeing an old photograph hanging on the school wall, Poppy may come to some realizations about both her life and friends at Abbey Mount as well as those same aspects previously in Malibu. She is obsessed with rules, and is manipulative, evil and cruel among others. Harriets oblivion to this and the similarity of her and other mean girls in other movies goes to show that being the mean girl doesn't get you places. Wild Child is a 2008 teen comedy film directed by Nick Moore and starring Emma Roberts, Alex Pettyfer, Georgia King, Kimberley Nixon, Juno Temple, Linzey Cocker, Sophie Wu, Aidan Quinn and Natasha Richardson.This was Richardson's final on-screen film role before her death the following year.
Since Malibu brat Poppy Moore's mom passed away, she has pushed her rich, usually absent dad Gerry shamelessly. This causes her to do outrageous things. On her first day she makes enemies of most dorm mates, especially dominant lacrosse school captain Harriet, and the school's principal Mrs. Kingsley. The school's only appealing feature for her is Kingsley's dashing son Freddie.
For example when she is having a conversation with the girls in her dorm regarding the fact that Mrs. Kingsley still hasn't mentioned honour court, regarding Poppies many dramatic misadventures around the school. There are many instances where Harriet is giving rude and unthoughtful comments.
WILD CHILD: HARRIET & POPPY'S FINAL MEETING. The bird as she claims was a bird she shot herself that she intended to give to her crush - Freddie. The Pheasant Harriet is holding symbolises her wealth and her status at the school. Taglines
Harriet Bentley is head girl at Abbey Mount boarding school, and is the main protagonist of the story.
Poppy, in turn, decides to use Freddie in achieving her goal. After an over-the-top prank pushes her father (Aidan Quinn) one step too far, Poppy is shipped off to an England/English boarding school. https://wildchild.fandom.com/wiki/Harriet_Bentley?oldid=4680. Create your own unique website with customizable templates.
She is portrayed by Georgia King. Kate can see that underneath Poppy's privileged exterior is a scared girl who just wants to get along in life. Plot Keywords They also all talk about her behind her back, because of her rude and self-centred personality and behaviour she has found herself surrounded around people that would love nothing to do with her. When his patience wears out, she's shipped off to her mother's former English boarding school for girls, Abbey Mount. Speech - Harriet is constructed as a rule following head girl that takes advantage of her popularity and hierarchy. Harriet and Poppy is enemies since the first time they meet each other. These quotes all show how Harriet is very self centred and only wants the best for herself. While she is fine with it, the people around her are not.
Harriet is the head girl of Abbey Mount, and the protagonist of the film Wild Child. As a result of Harriet’s construction as the “Mean girl” of there movie I am positioned to dislike her and laugh at her failed attempts of ruining the protagonist Poppy’s school life.
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