What is your favorite basic color? Keep in mind that these are the creatures as I view them. In this quiz you can find out what mythical/fantasy Fantasy comes in lots of different ''shapes and sizes'', that's the fun thing about it! Pick Something To Have With You. If you could make one wish, what would it be? Collecting money for charity or working at a retirement home, Hiking and just being out in the elements. Which Of These Animals Is Your Favorite? Alright bladibla let's see those results now shall we? Which Mythical Creature are you. KenichiS. They tend to be mixed between a human and something else, wether it be an animal, a ghost, or an element, What kind of humanoid creature are YOU? Girls only, unless you boys wanna try. People would live in harmony without hurting one another. ... take this quiz to find out which evil female mythical creature are you in water! A better kind of quiz site: no pop-ups, no registration requirements, just high-quality quizzes Red « » Log in or sign up. Remember to rate this quiz on the next page! Another example would be a centaur, who is a hybrid of both a human and a horse. Fantasy can save our day when we feel sad. I really want to be rich. You'll turn out to be either a Sphinx, Centaur, Angel, Elf, or Werewolf. We need more nature in this world. Fantasy is perhaps one of our most valuable traits. Equal rights for animals and humans all over the world. No problem, it was my pleasure. Don't be disappointed by your answer Welcome and thank you for doing this quiz! But today, I have focused on another side of magical creatures: the humanoid ones. I'll teach the f*cker a lesson! Take it then throw it away (cuz your too rich huh), Steal it and split your earnings to your best friends, You have two choices, either gain unlimited power for a day then the world goes to hell (litterally the apocalypse) that would make about 7 billion other people lose what they own, or cure cancer then you die of the last uncureable cancer the next day, Have an unlimited joyride for 1 day then destroy the world, Would you rather kill a friend or be killed by your friend, Would you rather have 10 quaddrillion dollars rain from the entire sky, or just have 1 trillion dollars rain above your house, Last question, would you rather be a noble ruler, a king amongst servants, or a superpowered maniac, who is infamous amongst criminals. If your friend dropped his walllet, and nobody noticed but you, what would you do? Fantasy can save our day when we feel sad. A little small talk can never hurt right? Favorite Scent? Let's find out! I ignore him and keep going my way, but if he does something funny, I'll show him how humerous I can be! Browse through and take what mythical creature are you quizzes . Everyone has their own interpretation of it. We're all unicorns on the inside. Marine pollution would stop and dissapear in a second! Take this quiz! Also; walking alone on the streets at night can be dangerous! Sign up Log in. Then receive your personality analysis. If needed; What would your weapon of choice be? You are very welcome and yes I can't wait! Keep in mind that these are the creatures as I view them. Add to library 1 Discussion 10. 1. I'll try and ignore him but that won't last for very long... One does not simply stalk me and gets out alive. Green. What is GotoQuiz? Alright I want to thank you very much for doing this quiz! Our oceans are way too beautiful to be ruined. 7. Obsessed with travel? What Kind of Humanoid Mythical Creature are You? Pick A Word. I swiftly turn around and ask him boldy what he is doing. It's a quiz of mythical creatures, please don't get mad if you don't like your result. He must be lost, why else should he be following me? Personality Mythical Creature Humanoid Report. Which Of These Things Do You Hate Most? What mythical creature are you? Where can you be found when you're not at school/college/work? Are you excited to know your result? Fantasy & Mythology Mythological Humanoid Creature Report. Fantasy comes in lots of different ''shapes and sizes'', that's the fun thing about it! I like all kinds of lights, but White Light I like best. 1,152 takers. ... Wonder no more, because I created this quiz to tell you! Which Of These Things Do You Do When You Feel Lonely? Everyone wants to know what sort of animal, or magical creature they are. Mythical Humanoid Test. I stop and politely ask him if he needs my help. Making someone instantly happy with a single smile. Rating helps us to know which quizzes are good and which are bad. Now let's see those results. A werewolf is an example of this, as this type of creature is a human during the day time, but a werewolf at night. How Would You Describe Yourself? I want to be able to eat anything without the consequences...if you know what I mean. Blue. What kind of humanoid creature are YOU? 6 hours ago Luna . Add to library Discussion 11. This quiz is testing out a new look, and if you notice any visual bugs please report them. that you can create and share on your social network. What mythical creature are you? A GoToQuiz Exclusive: Big Five Personality Test, allows you to adjust sliders to fine-tune your responses to a series of questions. Everyone has their own interpretation of it. If you're curious about what type of mythical creature you'll get matched to, it's time for you to take this quiz …
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