site design / logo © 2020 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under cc by-sa. True adamantium objects I’ve personally always thought of them as the same as it would bridge a lot of gaps in the storyline. Ultimately, in the case of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, this argument is absolutely pointless because after all, there's already a metal that exists in the films and comics that's even mightier than both: Dargonite. It's greatest strength is its nearly immutable nature and resistance to being damaged or changed. To be fair to the Olympians, I will also include Adamantine (the material Hercules' mace is made from) to be another mystical metal capable of being enchanted and having its durability enhanced through mystical/scientific forging by Hephaestus, the smith of the Olympian gods. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. @Ellesedil true, but if sources can be referenced it strengthens an answer considerably! With Vision now dead and Scarlet Witch messing around with reality in WandaVision, it's possible that Ultron might simultaneously return to life and learn of Thanos's Dargonite weapons. Regardless, in either case, it would result in the metal becoming the only thing that can break unbreakable metal. Though Dargonite is able to pierce Adamantium, there's little else known about it. Silver Surfer > Echanted Uru > Proto-Adamantium? Use the tour to find it easier to adapt. Nevertheless, this cosmic metal has already in the mainstream comics proven to be stronger than Adamantium and might have already made its presence known in the MCU. And, if so, what makes them so special? It is purportedly so powerful that the only way to melt it down for forging is with the power and heat of a dying star. To my knowledge, Dargonite only exists in the alternative future timeline of the Guardians of the Galaxy. However, in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU), Earth-199999, Captain America’s shield is composed of a Vibranium-alloy. The Destroyer armor: it is made of an unknown material, even stronger than uru. Could the Hulk become powerful enough to break adamantium? How was Thor able to dent Captain America's Shield? The actual method was not known to anyone because the designer of the technology died. This debate would ultimately go on for hours and will most likely be left unanswered for a while and it will almost always just be a matter of people perceptions of the two compounds. of the Surfer are so great that there are few known forces in the Universe great enough to overcome them. The latter being the strongest to date. I'm on mobile so it's hard for me to look stuff up or see if this has already been discussed, but I just had this idea and I had to share it. Is this right? He is one of the Elders of the Universe. Likewise, while Thanos is able to pry the Mind Stone from Vision's head, he's also empowered by the other Infinity Stones, which means the laws of reality bend for him. Adamantium/vibrarium are neck and neck, both unique functions and I compare the 2 like this, a heavy tool steel like t10 or t8 vs. Titanium. KEEP READING: Ultimatum: Marvel's Most-Hated Story May Save The MCU... Or DESTROY It. Considering Vibranium is designed to absorb shock, Corvus' weapon should not have been able to pierce Vision's skin, let along drive right through him. Ironically, the weapon's namesake is in desperate need of a weapon. Why does separation of variable gives the general solution to a PDE. In Marvel Comics, what material is the Infinity Gauntlet itself made out of? It's durable and can be enchanted to be even more damage-resistant but its primary benefit is the ability to bind amazing enchantments to it. It's possible that in Thor: Love and Thunder, Mjolnir will be recreated using the shards of the old weapon -- hence why Jane Foster gains the power of Thor. Also wanted to add that at one point the Hulk bit off silvers surfers' head. An alloyed mixture of both Vibranium and Adamantium. They're also infinitely stretchy. Thor's hammer vs. Hercules' golden Adamantine mace. Alita: Battle Angel Director Hypes Re-Release With Unofficial Baby Yoda Crossover, The MCU's Strongest Metal Is NOT Adamantium OR Vibranium - Which is Crucial, Disney Has No Idea When Marvel Movies Will Start Filming Again, WWE Champ Becky Lynch Reportedly Joins Marvel Film, REPORT: Marvel Studios Developing Controversial Ultimatum Event, Ultimatum: Marvel's Most-Hated Story May Save The MCU... 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