“We’ve been blessed to have Kiwanis involved for at least 15 years,” Mitch Page says of his own troop. Change ). “That’s been going on for several years now, and they haven’t missed a beat,” George says. Synergy Sports™   –   2020  –   Terms of use   –   Open Source   –   Privacy Policy   |   Website design by Huddle Creative. A freshman at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in Troy, New York, this computer science specialist is a self-proclaimed gamer who loves shoot-’em-ups such as Overwatch and Battleground. A mother agency that was started by international model Rowan Summers. Synergy Scouting & Management Modelling agency that scouts, develops and signs models to international agencies. According to Page, his days pitching tents and building campfires helped make him a well-rounded person and keep today’s wired world in perspective. Synergy Sports™   –   2020  –   Terms of use   –   Open Source   –   Privacy Policy   |   Website design by Huddle Creative.

© Kiwanis magazine and kiwanismagazine.org, 2020. If you’d like more information, leave us a message and a member of our team will be in touch. George thinks working together benefits not just the kids, who learn firsthand about community service, but also Kiwanis, by raising the organization’s profile among a trove of potential future members. When it comes to how to deal with devices, he admits that the Scouts, like the rest of society, are still feeling their way. Though each troop has its own policy when it comes to use of electronics, in most cases it’s impractical to simply collect them in a big sack and confiscate them for the duration of a camping trip. Growing Stronger Together - WOSM’s Plan for 2020-2021 For Scouting to emerge as a stronger Movement during the unprecedented challenges and great uncertainties caused by the global COVID-19 pandemic, more than ever we need to work together. Learn how your comment data is processed. Click this banner to find out more about the rebrand and why it's happening and how any changes may affect you. Fortunately, there’s a group that seems perfectly positioned to blunt the influence of so many screens: the Boy Scouts of America.

Over the next few months you will slowly start to see our new colors and brand values creep their way into your app of choice, but don’t worry, it will still do everything you’re used to doing and we hope to make the experience even better. “I think it helped me learn that it’s OK to be without screens. Synergy Scouting Analytics and NFL Draft analysis Menu Skip to content. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. “And getting out into the country makes them better able to forge meaningful relationships with each other, versus just through their devices and social media.”. ( Log Out /  Synergy Sports has built its success on proprietary technology which links meaningful sports data and video clips to create visual statistics and analytics about players, teams and specific games. For instance, parents chose character development, acquiring outdoor skills and having fun as the top three reasons. ( Log Out /  According to Michael B. Surbaugh, chief Scout executive of the Boy Scouts of America, his organization’s traditional recipe for child development — physical activity, skill-building and fellowship — offers the perfect tonic for today’s screen-besotted kids. Change ), You are commenting using your Twitter account. Synergy Scouting & Management Modelling agency that scouts, develops and signs models to international agencies. 323 likes. If you would like to contact me to discuss football or anything that can’t be answered with a short comment, you can e-mail me at synergyscouting@gmail.com. We know how important it is to stay as efficient and productive as possible. Patented “1-Click Video” links every stat to the supporting video, resulting in automatically generated edits that once took coaches and scouts across different sports hours to create.

( Log Out /  Just since 2013, the time those kids spend daily on mobile devices has tripled, from 15 minutes to 48 minutes. The council supervises several large Colorado Scout summer camps, including Tahosa High Adventure Base and Peaceful Valley Scout Ranch. Change ), You are commenting using your Twitter account. As a former NFL Scout, I have acquired a decent amount of knowledge and experience through my profession and talent evaluation has always been a passion of mine. I hope you will still read, enjoy, and even constructively criticize what I have to say about NFL prospects, and at times, current NFL players. Simply find your product and login / download. Page has personally witnessed the benefits of Kiwanis participation in Scouting — and Scouting’s ability to help kids put down their phones and log into in the real world. According to a study by the nonprofit organization Common Sense, as of 2017, smartphones had made their way into 95 percent of U.S. homes with children ages 0 to 8. Multiple data sources available in all views. We regularly publish stories, case studies and thoughts spanning our products, partners and position in the industry. “It’s important to give young people an understanding of why Kiwanis exists, why we do what we do and what community service is all about,” he says. For years, the club planted miles of flags along the two main entrances to the town on important holidays such as the Fourth of July and Veterans Day. Synergy Scouting & Management. #synergiseme to be scouted FB-@synergyscoutingMexico City www.synergyscouting.com Since I’m currently writing a book, I thought I might as well start a blog where I can post my prospect rankings and experiments with analytics. Available in full game and clipped formats, With data retrieval and patented 1 click video playback, All games logged by Synergy’s world-class logging team. We’ve collated the necessary links to our login pages and app downloads.

Atrium Sports, Synergy Sports Technology, and Keemotion – the latter two companies acquired by Atrium Sports in 2019 – are now integrated into a single company: Synergy Sports. So a few years ago, George turned for help to Boy Scout Troop 985, which his Kiwanis club sponsors. “But even the most diehard video game and cell phone fans, when we go to one of our Scout camps here in Connecticut for the weekend, get totally involved.”. Only authorized customers may enter. And that tonic can be taken early, by signing up for Cub Scouts (for 7- to 10-year-olds). Among Scouts ages 11 to 17, the reasons were to have fun, learn about nature and outdoor skills and join friends in Scouting. We’ve collated the necessary links to our login pages and app downloads. If you have any issues or can’t remember what the program you were using was called, we’ve also provided a summary. Kiwanians have a long history of supporting boy scouts, A critical relationship that focuses on building leaders. Page has four sons, the oldest three of whom are all Eagle Scouts. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Sponsoring a troop is also an excellent way to both raise a Kiwanis club’s community profile and to catch the attention of just the sort of young people who could one day make energetic new members. Story by Sam Stall .

Infinite sorting and filtering of statistics and video clips in real time gives users endless opportunities to discover the answers to important questions about player and team strengths and weaknesses. In doing so, we ensure high synergy across all levels of WOSM with a high “return on investment”. If your club would like to find and join forces with a troop in your part of the globe, these regional Scouting centers can help.

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