2m Digital Elevation Model (DEM). Print on Demand NOAA Nautical Chart Map 18649, Entrance to San Francisco Bay California State Water Control Board: GAMA GeoTracker. Projected Coordinate System: NAD_1983_2011_StatePlane_California_III_FIPS_0403. Minimum Depth to Groundwater for the Coastal San Francisco Bay Area, Plane, Ellen; Hill, Kristina; May, Kris (2020), Minimum Depth to Groundwater for the Coastal San Francisco Bay Area, Dryad, Dataset, https://doi.org/10.6078/D1W01Q. This chart is available for purchase online. The San Francisco Bay is home to some of the most famous and magnificent bridges ever built, including the Golden Gate Bridge, San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge, Richmond-San Rafael Bridge, Hayward-San Mateo Bridge and the Dumbarton Bridge. http://geotracker.waterboards.ca.gov/data_download_by_county. It includes a visitor center, large outdoor amphitheater, self-guided nature trails, and a variety of picnic facilities. This poster shows views of the sea floor in west-central San Francisco Bay around Alcatraz and Angel Islands, underneath the Golden Gate Bridge, and through its entrance from the Pacific Ocean. You can embed our nautical chart into our website using our Web API. Be sure to arrange a trip to visit all these major attractions and explore the beauty this area offers to tourists and onlookers. The estimation is based on an interpolation that uses ground elevation data and minimum depth to water values measured at monitoring wells in the nine Bay Area counties over the past 20 years. Actual Chart Size: 44.0" x 34.2" This dataset shows estimated values for minimum depth to groundwater in the coastal Bay Area. Produced by AECOM for FEMA and the San Francisco Bay Conservation and Development Commission (Mak et al., 2016). Wells are not evenly distributed across the bay shorefront; we excluded areas greater than 1 km from the nearest well due to the uncertainty introduced by the lack of sample points in these areas. Discover San Francisco, a city with fantastic landscapes, nightlife and trend-setting cuisine. If data is missing for a coastal location, this does not indicate anything about the water table at that location, but rather a lack of available data. The region overflows with landmarks, architecture, contemporary cuisine, major art museums, theme parks, boardwalks, national parks, wildlife preserves and fabulous beaches. The answer is based on the NOAA-NOS Bathymetric measurements, which are freely available to play around with [1]. Paper Size: 36.0" x 48.0" Collectively, these five bridges represent a gamut of engineering structures and designs. Discover San Francisco, a city with fantastic landscapes, nightlife and trend-setting cuisine. The average depth is 7.69 meter during high tide and 5.78 meter during low tide. Printed “on-demand,” it contains all of the latest NOAA updates as of the time of printing. For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. or its subsidiaries. These areas most likely have very shallow groundwater, but there is considerable uncertainty associated with them. Geographic Coordinate System: GCS_NAD_1983_2011. The San Francisco Bay Salt Ponds are an approximately 16,500-acre (6,700 ha) part of the San Francisco Bay that have been used as salt evaporation ponds since the California Gold Rush era. For wells within one mile (1.6km) of the SFEI Bay/tidal wetlands edge file, we calculated maximum water table elevation by extracting a ground elevation from the 2m USGS digital elevation model (DEM) at each well point, then subtracting the minimum depth to water value from this ground elevation. The chart you are viewing is a NOAA chart by OceanGrafix. You can also take a ferry and visit Alcatraz, the infamous high-security prison. The water area is stained blue/green and is recessed 1 layer below the land to give a dimensional look. ©2018 Nautical Charts Online, All Rights Reserved. The Woodchart Single Level San Francisco Bay depth chart is made from precision laser cut and etched Baltic birch. We concatenated “Global ID” and “Field Point Name” to create a unique ID for each well in the database, then calculated the minimum depth to water value for each well for the years 1996-2016 (any measurements before 1996 were excluded). Edition #: 68 Search by chart title, key word or chart number: Scale: 40,000 San Francisco Bay Aquarium is ideal for the whole family as it is an educational opportunity to learn about the natural wonders that fill the oceans. Visit ESPN to view the San Francisco 49ers team depth chart for the current season Explore by boat and see this incredible part of the coast by providing yourself with San Francisco Bay nautical charts offered by Navionics. The sea floor is portrayed as a shaded relief surface generated from the multibeam data color-coded for depth from light blues for the shallowest values to purples for the deepest. LNM Notice/Date: 4220 2020-10-20 San Francisco Bay. Please use this file rather than the older versions. View our free online Chart Viewer, and you will also get SonarChart™. NOTE: The most recently uploaded data file (August 24, 2018) has the highest accuracy in the interpolation. Explore by boat and see this incredible part of the coast by providing yourself with San Francisco Bay nautical charts offered by Navionics. Provide yourself with the San Francisco Bay nautical charts. Water 2019, 11, 2228. https://www.mdpi.com/2073-4441/11/11/2228. This dataset shows estimated values for minimum depth to groundwater in the coastal Bay Area. The estimation is based on an interpolation that uses ground elevation data and minimum depth to water values measured at monitoring wells in the nine Bay Area counties over the past 20 years. To create a water table surface, we interpolated between the well and tidal datum elevation points using a multiquadric radial basis function. http://www.sfei.org/baari#sthash.AZdz9gDM.yexzxDn5.dpbs. Australia, New Zealand, Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, Eastern Asia, South Eastern Russia, Philippines. Navionics offers the same level of detail for GPS chartplotters in both a two-dimensional version and a multi-dimensional version, as well as on mobile apps for Apple and Android smartphone and tablets. In the provided data file, we have changed these negative values to zero. Using cross-validation, we were able to determine that this method produced the lowest error values relative to other deterministic interpolation methods (inverse distance weighting, global polynomial interpolation, and other radial basis functions). Edition Date: 2013-06-01 What are you waiting for? We also included tidal datum data to smooth the resulting surface toward the Bay, adding 0.3 meters to the mean tide line elevation because the freshwater aquifer usually lies above the mean tide line. For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. LNM: http://ocsdata.ncd.noaa.gov/nm, NTM = NGA Notice to MarinersLNM = Local Notice to Mariners. ellen.plane@berkeley.edu, kzhill@berkeley.edu, kris.may@silvestrum.com, https://www.mdpi.com/2073-4441/11/11/2228, http://geotracker.waterboards.ca.gov/data_download_by_county, https://topotools.cr.usgs.gov/coned/sanfrancisco.php, http://www.sfei.org/baari#sthash.AZdz9gDM.yexzxDn5.dpbs. Note: results shown only for areas within 1km of well points in the dataset. Results are shown within one kilometer of the Bay. JavaScript seems to be disabled in your browser. Most of the ponds were once wetlands in the cities of Redwood City, Newark, Hayward and other parts of the bay.. Salt production goes back to when the Ohlone were the only people in the area. SF Bay extent (includes open water and tidal wetlands): San Francisco Estuary Institute (SFEI): Bay Area Aquatic Resource Inventory (BAARI). The interpolation and subtraction method we used produced some negative values for depth to water, indicating water above the ground surface. If a well had no recorded measurements for depth to water, or if the minimum depth to water was a negative value (artesian wells), we eliminated the well from the dataset. Please reference the shapefile included in the NoDataZones folder for areas within 1km of the Bay but excluded from the output for this reason. The root-mean-square error for the multiquadric radial basis interpolation was 1.167 m and the mean error was -0.010 m. We subtracted the interpolated water table surface from the ground surface DEM to produce a minimum depth to water map. We downloaded well depth to water and well location files from the CA State Water Board GeoTracker database for each of the nine Bay Area counties. Webinar: Fishing Tips – Catching Bass in the Fall, Extend Your Coverage and Your Boat Season with the Latest Garmin v2021.0 Cartography Release, Webinar: Reporting on the State of the Atlantic ICW, Last Call! NTM Notice/Date: 4420 2020-10-31 A full description of the methods is available in the article where this dataset is published: Plane, E.; Hill, K.; May, C. A Rapid Assessment Method to Identify Potential Groundwater Flooding Hotspots as Sea Levels Rise in Coastal Cities. Our 2 Dimensional Single Level San Francisco Bay Depth Map gives you much of the detail of the 3D map at a great price. Switch from Older Apple Apps by Sept. 30, 2020, Get More from Your GPS Plotter with the Navionics Boating App. © 2020 Navionics S.r.l. NTM: http://www.nga.mil/maritime Wildlife lovers should be sure to visit Armstrong Redwoods State Natural Reserve. U.S. Geological Survey Coastal and Marine Geology Program https://topotools.cr.usgs.gov/coned/sanfrancisco.php.

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