Crozier was stationed in Cuba from 1954 to 1958, at a time when the nation was wracked with civil unrest aimed at brutal dictator and US ally Fulgencio Batista (pictured). Sec. The Obergon Chronicles ebook LOTTO PICKS Raye Allan Smith 'https://s-' : 'http://') + Note the absurdity: the U.S. spent billions and sent 500,000 troops around the world to Vietnam to “fight communism,” yet it wouldn’t lift one finger to fight communism in its own backyard (Castro’s island is only 90 miles from our shores). The agency's second in command wrote Crozier a commendation for his mission, and nominated the spy for an 'intelligence star' for courage. If he was such a bête noire, how did he survive for so long right on America's doorstep? Crozier was then put on leave from the CIA in August of 1963, and was removed permanently three months later. Castro would go on to successfully overthrow Batista in 1959 before aligning with the Soviet Union the following year. It was before Wikipedia became a Mossad operation. Molecule: “The full story of Castro is even worse, but eventually it will come out. He was stationed in Cuba from 1954 to 1958, at a time when the nation was wracked with civil unrest aimed at brutal dictator and US ally Batista. Castro was a Meyer-Rockefeller-Dulles lackey. Gulf Oil Corporation (now Chevron) maintained its oil exploration in Cabinda with the Marxist government. Batista's new Economic and Social Development Plan which included tax incentives and easier credit was put into effect in 1954 to reduce unemployment and increase production. Nobody can kill me.' Another CIA that was straight out of "James Bond" was its plan to kill Castro using a hypodermic needle concealed within a pen. Marxist governments (MPLA in Angola, FRELIMO in Mozambique, PAIGC in Guinea) were imposed to the african populations, devastating their countries. However, after several unsuccessful attempts the Cuban got cold feet and the plan was abandoned. A google search on Batista and smear job does however produce a book by a Humberto Fontova, titled "Fidel: Hollywood's Favorite Tyrant." Molecule's" portrayal of Fulgencio Batista as some sort of saint certainly collides with the historical evidence of the mobbed up company he kept: Meyer Lansky, Lucky Luciano, Santo Traficante et al. Intelligence officials thought they could use Castro's love of scuba-diving to topple him. Ilona Marita Lorenz (18 August 1939 – 31 August 2019) was a German-born American woman who had an affair with Fidel Castro in 1959 and in January 1960 was involved in an assassination attempt by the CIA on Castro's life.. I had enough hours to stay with him, order a meal, kill him, and prevent him from making a speech that night, which was already pre-announced. Following the collapse in the Cuban economy in the 1930's, Batista crushed Marxist agitators, and established a constitution in 1940 based on the sovereignty of the Cuban people. A real US invasion of Cuba would have been justified. The assassination of an American President soon followed. Try to guess who had thousand of soldiers fighting next to the communists during the ensuing angolan civil war, at the same time the marxist government protected Chevron? It's only logical the mafia suddenly volunteer themselves, to claim that Batista was their best friend. Basically, with their assassinations the bankers and the drug dealers rolled in and took over "da joints." fn:"ccm_v1.swf", lg:"en", hs:1, tf:"12hr", scs:1, df:"std", dfd:0, The American oil interests in Cabinda (Angola) didn´t suffer at all!! The person who delivered his paychecks was a Ukrainian country girl, who lived in a small cottage in Greenwich Connecticut. Lorenz was once Castro’s lover, before she turned against him on the basis, perhaps, of the role he played in the abortion of their child. BIORHYTHMS This plan was abandoned after Donovan gave Castro a different suit. Crozier settled in Miami under the alias Roger Fox and set out training the DRE agents to prepare them to help carry out President Dwight Eisenhower's covert plan to oust Castro. Castro was featured on the Ed Sullivan Show and Jack Paar. The most nervous I have ever been was in that room, because I had agents on standby and I had to watch my timing. “Fidel would lay a snake if it wriggled,” says Sturgis, “and she was one of the snakes. But one thing that’s certain is that Lorenz was sent by the CIA to poison Castro, and that she bungled it completely. If many of these attempts have the air of a hammy "James Bond" film, Marita Lorenz was Castro's femme fatale. Red Elk | Project Blue Beam | Bush Family & Nazis | Otto Skorzeny  | Insights on Aliens | Cell Towers | WiFi/Cell Phone Dangers | EMF Radiation News THE AMAZINGRAYELAN ALLAN UFC was represented by Sullivan & Cromwell, a N.Y. City law firm of which John Foster Dulles was partner. "I knew the minute I saw the outline of Havana I couldn’t do it," she told Vanity Fair, describing her emotions on landing in the Cuban capital. "When theStarships Fly!" Forced to make a choice, I would say that Batista was far more likely to have been a CIA asset than was/is Fidel Castro.

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