Regis Lucis Caelum | Gekkou |

Oerba Dia Vanille | Lenna Charlotte Tycoon | Cid Highwind | Relm Arrowny | Banon | Eiko Carol | Mog | Lazard Deusericus |

Tsukinowa, Final Fantasy V Articles containing Japanese-language text, Fictional characters with healing abilities, She develops a crush on Zidane Tribal and goes as far as to write a love letter to him, but snaps out of it after a while as her infatuation has more to do with not wanting to be alone than grownup feelings, and she accepts that Zidane is truly in love with Princess Garnet, anyway. Leonora | Lucrecia Crescent, Final Fantasy VIII Zangetsu | Minwu | Chocolina |

Strago Magus | Kelger Vlondett | She falls for Zidane on their first meeting, trying to impress him through various means, although she knows that Zidane and Dagger are in love with each other. Alisaie Leveilleur | Lenne | Series

Paddra Nsu-Yeul | Auron | Kain Highwind | Faris Scherwiz | Prettz | She wields flutes and rackets in battle. Cid of the Lufaine |

Selphie Tilmitt | Alyssa Zaidelle, Final Fantasy XIV Denzel | Y'shtola | Serah Farron | Jecht | Rasler Heios Nabradia, Final Fantasy XIII

Edgar Roni Figaro | She hails from Madain Sari on the Outer Continent. Until you turn 16 and have your own eidolon to your control, stay in this village. Porom | The original article can be found [[w:c:finalfantasy:{{{1}}}|here]] and the original contributors. Amarant Coral |

Locke Cole | Gippal | Minfilia |

Players could control a maximum of four characters for combat at once, with eight main playable characters in the party and a few other, temporary characters. Firion | Shinra | Umaro | Squall Leonhart | Cid | Eiko Carol, known as Little Girl for the short period before a name is selected, is a playable character in Final Fantasy IX. Cloud Strife | Logos |
Guy | Baralai | Cid Haze | Isaaru | Rydia | Cor Leonis | Eiko is spunky and snobbish, yet desperately lonely, having lived alone in Madain Sari with only moogles as her friends for most of her life. Princess Hilda | Vivi Ornitier | Cid Pollendina | Edward Chris von Muir | I wish for your happiness from far away. Nooj | Reddas | Braska | Mid Previa | Luca | Zack Fair | Galuf Halm Baldesion | Quotes • Gallery. Pacce | She wears a red turtleneck and pink bodysuit, loose yellow pants that gather at the ankles, a yellow chest plate connected to a belt around her waist as part of the ornamental wings she wears on her back, purple socks and white ankle boots. Leila | White Mage

O'aka XXIII | Dona |

She hails from Madain Sari on the Outer Continent. A 5-7★ Rare Summon available since the event Alexandria Castle, her job is listed as Evoker, and her role are Healing and Support, being one of the "summoner" units. Ursula | We shall return to the stars with one wish in mind. Sazh Katzroy | Irvine Kinneas | Angeal Hewley | Shelinda | Rinoa Heartilly | Linaly | Larsa Ferrinas Solidor | Nanamo Ul Namo | The characters of the PlayStation role-playing game Final Fantasy IX.

Yenke Ronso | Lunafreya Nox Fleuret | She is capable of casting Wht Mag and summoning eidolons. Golbez | Eiko Carol is a playable character in Final Fantasy IX. Quistis Trepe | Cid Previa | Arc | Wakka | Prompto Argentum |

Filling four CD-ROMs, Final Fantasy IX featured a cast containing a variety of major and minor characters. Lightning |

Krile Mayer Baldesion | Warriors of Light |

Luneth | Tifa Lockhart | Setzer Gabbiani |

Maria | Adelbert Steiner | Laguna Loire | Main article: Eiko Carol/Brave Exvius Eiko (along with Mog) appears as a summonable vision and optional playable character. Celes Chere | Thancred |

Noel Kreiss | Yuffie Kisaragi | Raubahn Aldynn |

Brother | Age Louisoix | Eiko Carol, known as Little Girl for the short period before a name is selected, is a playable character in Final Fantasy IX. Alus Restor | Cait Sith | Bartz Klauser | Summoner Ward Zabac |

Beatrix | Kelk Ronso | Freya Crescent | Ingus | Noctis Lucis Caelum | Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat.

She has a horn on her forehead and can summon eidolons.

Edea Kramer |

We are dying, and there is little we can do for you. Princess Sarah, Final Fantasy II Leon | Warrior of Light | Filo | Eiko knows the world is vast, but is afraid to leave what she knows out of uncertainty and reverence for a promise she had made to her grandfather to not leave Madain Sari until her sixteenth birthday. Zell Dincht |

Clasko |

She develops a crush on Zidane and goes as far as to write a love letter to him, but snaps out of it after a while as her infatuation has more to do with not wanting to be alone than grown-up feelings. Eiko Carol Leo Cristophe | Xezat Matias Surgate | Hope Estheim | Quina Quen | Sabin Rene Figaro | Dorgann Klauser | Ceodore Harvey | Migelo | Final Fantasy IX (2019) Lebreau |

Then build strong friendships with others. Valkus | Gogo | Balthier | Scott | Doga, Final Fantasy IV Kan-E-Senna | She hails from Madain Sari on the Outer Continent. Tromell | Kimahri Ronso |


Rouge, Final Fantasy VI I'm not gonna cry! Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Buddy | Reeve Tuesti | Alexander Highwind Tycoon |

Alphinaud Leveilleur | She has a horn on her forehead and can summon eidolons.

Maroda |

She has a horn on her forehead and can summon eidolons.

Oerba Yun Fang | Cid | Maechen | Deumion, Final Fantasy III Vaan | Gabranth | Shadow | Red XIII | Sara Altney | Basch fon Ronsenburg |

Ultimate Pop Culture Wiki is a FANDOM Movies Community.

Gadot | Barret Wallace | Reks | Yang Fang Leiden | Tataru Taru |

Eiko is spunky and snobbish, yet desperately lonely, having lived alone in Madain Sari with only moogles as her friends for most of her life. Vincent Valentine |

Blank |

Cid Fabool IX | Snow Villiers | Desch | I'm a grown-up now, and crying won't help one bit! Cid Sophiar. Ellone, Final Fantasy IX Garnet Til Alexandros XVII |

Edge Geraldine | Eiko, You are a treasure born to a dying village. Marlene Wallace | Papalymo | Rikku | She hails from Madain Sari on the Outer Continent. Eiko is the seventh and next-to-last character to join the main party, preceded by Quina Quen and followed only by Amarant Coral. Yuj |

Gladiolus Amicitia | Kiros Seagill | Dajh Katzroy | Aria Benett | Rin | Refia | Lulu | Zidane Tribal | She hails from Madain Sari on the Outer Continent.

purge]Template:Etymology:Carol. Elma | Shelke Rui |
Tidus | Ormi |

Meeting Zidane and his friends allows Eiko to connect with the outside world and sparks a longing in her to leave Madain Sari and meet new people. Harley | Unei | Ricard Highwind | Mikoto, Final Fantasy X Nora Estheim | Barkeep |

Izayoi |

Shalua Rui | Merlwyb Bloefhiswyn | First appearance Tellah | Eiko Carol is a playable character in Final Fantasy IX. Eiko has green eyes, a small summoner's horn on her forehead, and blue hair cropped above her shoulders with a ribbon tied into a large bow on top. Cid Kramer | Cecil Harvey | Gordon | Palom | Eiko hails from the summoner village, Madain Sari, where she lives with a bunch of Moogles, including her best friend, Mog, who is always with her. Maqui | Yda | Rosa Joanna Farrell | Yaibal | 6 Fran | Terra Branford |

Cid Del Norte Marquez, Final Fantasy VII

Ignis Stupeo Scientia | Vossler York Azelas | Nyx Ulric | Eiko Carol/Gameplay Eiko is a playable character in Final Fantasy IX. Lucil |

Josef | Penelo | Final Fantasy

Aranea Highwind | Cindy Aurum | Ashelia B'nargin Dalmasca | Paine | Yuna | Class Kytes | Barthello | Cid nan Garlond, Final Fantasy XV Onion Knights | Gau |

Final Fantasy FuSoYa | Cinna | Iris Amicitia | Baku | Ghido | If legends are not born of eidolons, and eidolons but born out of legends, let us leave this place with one wish: If we can give birth to a legend, it shall create an eidolon that is friend and protector of humans. Eiko Carol, known as Little Girl for the short period before a name is selected, is a playable character in Final Fantasy IX. She has a horn on her forehead and can summon eidolons. She has a horn on her forehead and can summon eidolons. purge]"Carol" designates a type of song or dance, and originates from the Ancient Greek word choraules("one who accompanies a chorus on the flute"). Marcus | Aerith Gainsborough | Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Cyan Garamonde | Garik Ronso, Final Fantasy XII Biran Ronso |

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