Betsy DeVos is the richest member of Donald Trump's cabinet. Revealed: Ashley Biden Diary Confessions Beg the Question – Is Joe Biden a Pedophile? 2019-10-24-THE-200-YR-INFO-WAR-UK-US-PILGRIMS-SOCIETY-CONTROLS-THE-PRESS-DIRECTS-INTELLIGENCE-(SPY-LIES)-TO-BEND-CULTURE-AND-WORDS-TO-ATHEISTIC-SOCIAL-FASCISM-America, Also available with active hyperlinks: A mere diversion. British Military Knocking on Doors for COVID Testing. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. Elisabeth DeVos, dite Betsy DeVos, née Prince le 8 janvier 1958 à Holland (Michigan), est une femme d'affaires milliardaire et femme politique américaine. Breaking News: Just leaked Jan. 08, 1981 PM Margaret Thatcher 10 Downing Street letter shows seditious use of the American Pilgrims Society and Georgetown as instruments of British foreign policy and propaganda, JFK Jr. to return “from the grave” to endorse Trump 2020 says Trump brother, Important Message to Americans from Yugoslavian Patriot, WWII Secretary of War article triggered Congress to approve the Marshall Plan, NATO, Former Secretary of State Dean Rusk Was a Pilgrims Society War Monger. No, we are not letting this story go. Destroy the enemy communication channel, President Trump and America’s Life and Death Battle Against the Pilgrim Society’s Anglo-American Intelligence Network, James E. Boasberg is a Pilgrims Society Soldier, Papadopolous Confirms: It was a British Overthrow, Senior Executive Services Rats in the Swamp, European Union Commission Accused of Aiding Crypto Crime, Proof of British Pilgrims Society direct ties among ICG, Soros, Malloch-Brown (UN election rigging), and Lord Patten, GEET Instructions Build Your Own Plasma Generator, Pelosi Organizes Hundreds of Protests via, The Schwarzman Scholars: Future globalist operatives for the Pilgrims Society, CRYPTOCURRENCY CRIME VICTIMS LODGE COMPLAINT AGAINST EU FOR MALADIMINISTRATION, Betsy deVos is a Pilgrims Society Globalist, Google is rigging search results about Fiona Hill’s Congressional Testimony, Proof Roger Stone was right–Fiona Hill has been inside Soros’s Open Society Institute, Betsy deVos is an Amway Globalist Pushing Propaganda Indoctrination, SES Operative John McLaughlin Attempts to Destroy the Constitutional Republic, Patriots Must Destroy the Pilgrims Society and SES for Liberty’s Sake, Tavistock and Frankfurt School – Deadly Combination Will End Humanity Unless Patriots Wake Up and Destroy Their Agenda, The Black Robe Regiment – America’s Minutemen Then and Now, FACEBOOK UNMASKED: HOW THE WORLD’S MOST RELEVANT ENTREPRENEUR WAS SCREWED BY ZUCKERBERG,,, American Patriots Call Him, the Queen, and the Privy Council Out for the Overthrow Attempt of Donald Trump, Andrew Carnegie and Cecil Rhodes Destroy America from the Grave, RFID Microchip Vaccine Injection System Ready to Go, British COVID Release Timeline and China’s Criminal Response, Alert: Suspicious 5G activity by JPMorgan Chase Bank Global Data Center (Columbus, Ohio) during the COVID-19 lockdown, Harvard Commits Sedition in Sharing America’s Science with British-American Pilgrims Society. LANSING — Gov. On Monday, Whitmer criticized Betsy DeVos, who is Trump's education secretary, over the involvement of a nonprofit foundation backed by the DeVos family, the Michigan Freedom Fund, in a demonstration planned at the Capitol on Wednesday to protest the governor's stay-at-home order.

His son Doug DeVos has served as president of Amway since 2002. As with all opinion, it should not be relied upon without independent verification. U. S. Senator Kamala Harris is not a United States citizen. ( Log Out /  After listening to this parent explain Common Core, make it a point to start attending your local school boards and demand that this mind poison be removed from your local school. Continue your truth education and check out our great selection of playlists on YouTube. This is what you won’t learn in Common CRAP Curriculum > indoctrination centers. DOWNLOAD THIS PDF FOR YOUR FAMILY RECORDS. All people on the planet take heed and learn the real history of the evil beginnings of fake news propaganda and the intelligence agencies. As you all know, the Gabriels were school professionals before retiring and working full time for our AIM community of learners. Marie Claire Publication Shills for Kamala Harris. Did Obama’s Youth Corps Birth and Incubate Black Lives Matters and Antifa? This is TRUTH HISTORY. All rights reserved.

She is a rich, elite globalist through and through and in the next few weeks our researchers will be showing you the global force behind Betsy Do-Nothing deVos. Betsy DeVos's husband, Richard Marvin "Dick" DeVos Jr., is a multi-billionaire heir to the Amway fortune who ran Amway's parent company, Alticor, from 1993 to 2002. Tired of the day’s news and need to escape into something enlightening and uplifting? Ready for a patriot COUNTER INTELLIGENCE Operation? Think for yourself. What does President Trump think of John Roberts? The family is based in western Michigan, near Grand Rapids and Kent County. Amway had sales of $8.4 billion in 2019, down 5% from $8.8 billion in 2018. Her support of charter schools here in Michigan is well-known. When you see the research we did on her, you will see how she stinks like a globalist. Has a U. S. Citizen Been Attacked by a Foreign Actor Using an Accelerated Particle Beam? On Monday, DeVos family spokesman Nick Wasmiller said the family hasn't provided any funds for organizing for the protest, but family members understand the frustrations of Michiganders. "This group is funded in large part by the DeVos family," Whitmer said at a news conference, referencing the Michigan Freedom Fund. Demand her deportation immediately. It bans social visits to friends and family  and shuts down a wide range of businesses, from lawn care companies to nurseries. Education secretary Betsy DeVos and her Amway heir husband, Dick DeVos, earned at least $56 million in 2019, according to an early draft of her annual financial disclosure obtained by … Betsy and Dick earned at least $20 million in dividends from Alticor last year.

It says that it doesn’t excist. Gretchen Whitmer issued a statement Tuesday praising a DeVos family company for donations of personal protection equipment in the fight against coronavirus, one day after slamming Betsy DeVos, a member of the Republican administration of President Donald Trump.

This is Not true. Hard Drive Content Exposes US Treasury Secretary Mnuchin’s Collusion with Xi Jinping. © 2020 That’s why we call her Betsy DO NOTHING deVos. ( Log Out /  We must stop this invasion of our children and future citizen’s minds.

For educational purposes only. Change ), You are commenting using your Twitter account. Tomorrow is Election Day! DeVos is promoting School Choice. Betsy deVos sits at the Department of Education doing a whole lot of NOTHING. Change ), You are commenting using your Google account.

The car-based protest, intended to tie up traffic and dubbed "Operation Gridlock," is organized by a different group, the Michigan Conservative Coalition, but the Michigan Freedom Fund has helped publicize it and has been listed as a host on Facebook posts. He was also the father-in-law of Betsy DeVos… Get yourself caught up on the real truth of a history that effects every person on this planet. EY & Citi On The Importance Of Resilience And Innovation, Impact 50: Investors Seeking Profit — And Pushing For Change. Fair Use is relied upon for all content.

Joe Biden Infected? More than $6.5 million of that is listed as payments from funds managed by AEA Investors, a $15 billion (assets) firm founded by the Mellon and Rockefeller families. We did the research and all of this tracks back to the Pilgrims Society that pushed this MKUltra CRAP onto our children for several decades, beginning with that bizarre illogical CHICAGO math, convoluted math that came from the center of the Alinski destroy-America movement that obliterates a young person’s ablity to solve problems logically. The largest reported source of income came from Alticor, the parent company of Amway, the multi-level marketing giant that Dick’s father Richard (d. 2018) cofounded in 1959. ( Log Out /  She is doing nothing to get the globalists out of our educational system.

As of April 9, Amway employees had distributed nearly 28,000 units of hand sanitizer to area hospitals, clinics, senior homes and other facilities, Whitmer said in her news release. love and lightYolande. © 2020 Forbes Media LLC. Parechovirus B formerly known as the Ljungan virus: Pilgrims Society genocide bioweapon? Notices: Unless marked otherwise, American Intelligence Media (AIM),, copyright claims are waived. She says she was going to take out Common Crap but has done NOTHING. Patent Application #060606: Has the Mark of the Beast been patented? Left Wing Activists are attacking her left & right.

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