Contact the Office of House Employment Counsel at x57075 for assistance in establishing overtime and time-off policies. Therefore, the Handbook contains broad descriptions of reimbursable expenses, but is not an exhaustive list of such expenses. when a Member receives written authorization from the Committee. No federal funds, including administrative funds, will be used to cover abortions or administer plans that cover abortions. Statement of purpose of the staff organization; Officers of the staff organization, including contact information; Specify which of the following resources the CSO requests use of: Individuals designated to maintain web and mail services on behalf of the CSO (if applicable). Employees who are covered by the minimum wage and overtime provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act ("non-exempt") must be compensated at a rate of time-and-a half for all hours worked in excess of 40 hours during any work week, either in pay or in time-off during the same pay period.Overtime wage sheets must be received by no later than the 15th day of the month by the Office of Payroll and Benefits following the month in which overtime wages were earned. Contact the Office of Finance at x57474 or the Committee on House Administration at x52061 for assistance with accounting and budgeting. In the unlikely event an office requests reimbursement for an official and representational expense incurred during a year for which the appropriation has been withdrawn, the Office of Finance will determine if an amount sufficient to pay the expense would have been available if the appropriation had not been withdrawn. Dear Colleague letters and similar correspondence must be transmitted to House Postal Operations, in the appropriate quantity, with a cover letter signed by the Member, indicating to whom the mailing should be distributed. 11. Contact the Office of Payroll and Benefits at x51435 for payroll forms. However, to maintain such enrollment and coverage, an employee placed in a LWOP status is responsible for the payment of the employee's portion of the insurance premium for the period of the LWOP status, either by direct payment or by incurring a debt to the House. A CMO is not an employing authority. Informational programs are events in which interaction with participants relates to official business, including but not limited to discussions about the federal role of government in various issue areas, discussions involving how the Member may assist constituencies through action from the federal government or seek relief from the government in any manner, discussions of policy matters, etc. Security clearances govern access to classified information. ), and other ordinary and necessary incidental expenses while on official travel status are reimbursable. In Washington, DC, the House Recording Studio is available for audio and video services. For official meetings outside the district, only travel and travel related expenses are reimbursable. Such signs may not include a picture or likeness of the Member and must identify that the premises is a district congressional office. Pursuant to 5 U.S.C. Furniture requests for district congressional offices can be processed through First Call at x58000 and charged to the MRA. If the Committee on Ethics approves the use of corporate or private aircraft, a Member and/or their employees who travel via corporate, business, or privately-owned aircraft in support of the conduct of official and representational duties must reimburse the entity providing the flight, for the fair market value of the flight. Payment is made on the last business day of the month. 2. All mailings initiated by a Member must be in compliance with the Franking Regulations. The House Security Policy Manual states the Committee on Appropriations has additional rules and regulations for handling classified information, but those rules or regulations are not reflected in committee rules adopted for the 116th Congress. § 5946, dues, membership fees, assessments, and annual fees are not reimbursable. Under 5 U.S.C. Committee Websites may not be hosted on Websites paid for by the MRA. Additionally, Members may hire a photographer as a shared, temporary, or contract employee. Thus, to the extent negligent acts of Members or congressional staff, while conducting official and representational duties, result in either property damage or bodily injury, such damage or injury should be compensable under the Act in a manner that affords protection similar to private liability insurance. The Member must certify the information and return the form to the Office of Payroll and Benefits no later than the 15th day of the month. Ordinary and necessary expenses related to a long-term rental or lease of a vehicle by a Member in the Member's District are reimbursable.

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